Friday, September 20, 2024


Tikrit fully under control, says Secretary-General of Nojaba’ Movement

 Tikrit fully under control, says Secretary-General of Nojaba’ Movement


( On Wednesday, the secretary-general of Nojaba’ Movement, a faction within the Volunteer Fighters (al Hashd al-Sha’bi), confirmed that the city of Tikrit has become fully under the security forces control.

The secretary general of the movement, Sheikh Akram al-Kaabi said in an interview for, “The city has become completely under security forces and the Volunteer Fighters control.”

Security forces backed by al-Hashd al-Sha’bi and the tribal fighters of Salahuddin managed on Wednesday to control al-Diom area west of Tikrit, while penetrated the industrial district in downtown, according to security sources.

It is noteworthy that the security forces began on March 11th the attack on the center of Tikrit to liberate it from the control of the ISIS organization.


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