Saturday, September 21, 2024


Veteran makes armored vehicles from junk for volunteers in Basra

Veteran makes armored vehicles from junk for volunteers in Basra

Basra ( The old Iraqi Army veteran (Madhi al-Sikkini) managed to rehabilitate junk weapons that belong to the previous wars in Iraq and make new armored vehicles to send them to the volunteers participating in liberating Salah-il-Din province from the terrorist gangs of the ISIL.

Sikini said pointing to the remnants of the (1980- 1988) Iraq- Iran War “This junk yard which near my house reminds of the long war against Iran.”

The yard which contains rifles, armored vehicles and tanks also contains weapons from the era of Iraq’s invasion for Kuwait in 1990 as well as weapons from the era of the US occupation of Iraq in 2003.

Speaking to Reuters, Sikini said “I thought once to repair some left broken armored vehicles to assist in the war against the ISIS.”

The 65 year old man started along with his sons to repair some old vehicles and send them to the volunteers fighting to expel the ISIL terrorists from Salah-il-Din province.

Sikini’s workshop is situated in Hartha city (10 KM) to the east of Basra.

Sikini’s son Haitham (31 years old) assured “Through long experience of my father, we succeeded to repair and improve the features of some old Russian made armored vehicles And tanks.

The repaired tanks and armored vehicles were sent to volunteer fighters in Samarra and Tikrit cities who were proud of such achievement and valuable support. /End/