Monday, September 30, 2024


Suicide bomber killed eastern Tikrit

Suicide bomber killed eastern Tikrit

Salah-il-Din ( A group of tribesmen succeeded to kill a suicide bomber who was intending to detonate his explosive vest inside the guests room (Mudheef) of Al-Jibara tribe in Alam district of eastern Tikrit city, the center of Salah-il-Din province.

Security source reported to “The Armed group of Martyr Umaya Jibara managed to kill a suicide bomber who was wearing an explosive vest before detonating his explosives near the guests room of the tribe in Alam district.”

“The suicide bomber was hiding at a farm close to the guests room of the tribe,” the source added, noting “It is the second incident of the same type that took place in Alam district during the last two days.” /End/