Friday, September 27, 2024


Kurdistan Regional Government delegation to visit Baghdad soon, says MP Najib

Kurdistan Regional Government delegation to visit Baghdad soon, says MP Najib

Baghdad ( MP Najiba Najib of the Kurdistani Democratic Party KDP assured on Tuesday that a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government will visit Baghdad soon to discuss the oil agreement.

MP Najib stated to “We heard about an expected visit for a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government to Baghdad, but I am not sure whether this delegation will be political or technical to discuss the oil agreement concluded between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Central Government.”

She added “This visit came after the meeting of the leaders of the Kurdish blocs with the Federal Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi who confirmed to them that the CG is adherent to the oil agreement.”

Najib clarified “Implementing the oil agreement requires more understanding over the details.” /End/