Friday, September 20, 2024


Iran and Hezbollah removed from list of terror threats

 Iran and Hezbollah removed from list of terror threats


( The annual report issued by the US Director of National Intelligence removed Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah from the list of terror threats.

The report, which was submitted by the Intelligence Director James Clapper to the US Senate, was released on 26 February and published on Tuesday by the ‘Times of Israel’ newspaper.

The newspaper stated that Iran was removed because of its efforts in the fight against ISIS in Iraq.

The report mentioned Hezbollah in reference to the threats faced by the militant groups, such as ISIS and al-Nasra, while it condemned Tehran only for its support for al-Assad’s regime in Syria.

In his previous report, issued in 2014, Clapper included Iran and Hezbollah under the terror threats category, explaining that they had been a direct threat to the United States allies.

Iran was also included in the 2011, 2012 and 2013 reports.

It is noteworthy that Iran and Hezbollah are the most powerful regional allies of al-Assad regime which seeks to strengthen its roots despite the war that has been waged for 5 years now in Syria.