Sunday, September 22, 2024


Tehran, Washington resolve 90% of nuclear technical issues

 Tehran, Washington resolve 90% of nuclear technical issues

854729-johnkerryjavadzarifiranusnucleartalksphotoafp-1426611011-824-640x480( On Tuesday, an Iranian official said, that 90 percent of technical nuclear issues between Iran and the United States have been resolved during the lausanne negotiations.

“We have agreed on 90% of the technical issues,” the head of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organisation Ali Akbar Salehi said.

“In most of the issues we have come to mutual agreement‒ we have differences only in one major issue which we will try to solve in this evening’s meeting,” he also added.

“There is no way around it, we still have a ways to go,” a senior U.S. official involved in the bilateral talks in Lausanne asserted.