Monday, September 30, 2024


More than 1000 ISIS elements surrounded in Tikrit, says al-Hashd al-Sha’bi

 More than 1000 ISIS elements surrounded in Tikrit, says al-Hashd al-Sha’bi

Representational file photo.

Representational file photo.
Representational file photo.


( The Security spokesman of the Volunteer Fighters (al-Hashd al-Sha’bi) Joseph Kalabi stated on Sunday, that the battle to liberate Tikrit differs from the rest of battles, pointing out that more than a thousand ISIS elements are besieged inside the city.

Kalabi said in an interview for, “The battle to liberate Tikrit differs from the rest of the battles, because the terrorists want to take it as an excuse to divide the national unity.”

He added that, “ISIS elements, who are now inside Tikrit, have been trapped for ten days and don’t receive any supply,” noting that, “There are more than a thousand elements, most of whom are not Iraqis and prepared to commit suicide.”