Saturday, September 28, 2024


Coalition is ”clearly degrading” ISIS, says U.S. Gen. John Allen

 Coalition is ”clearly degrading” ISIS, says U.S. Gen. John Allen

John-Allen (1)( On Thursday, U.S. General John Allen stated, that since the international coalition campaign began against ISIS militants, the group has lost more than a quarter of its seized territories in Iraq.

The international coalition’s efforts against the ISIS group militants are “clearly degrading” the group’s capabilities, the U.S. special envoy to the coalition retired General John Allen asserted on Thursday.

“Since the coalition campaign began, ISIL has lost more than a quarter of the populated territories it has held in Iraq,” Gen. John Allen said, while addressing the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

He added, “The allure of the so-called caliphate is under direct assault.”


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