Friday, September 20, 2024


US provides ten thousand Iraqi soldeirs with equipment, trainers

 US provides ten thousand Iraqi soldeirs with equipment, trainers


( US embassy in Baghdad stated on Tuesday, that the United States has provide a daily shipment of arms and ammunition to support the Iraqi forces in expel the ISIS group’s militants, and indicated that it provided 10,000 soldiers with gear and trainers.

Spokesman of the embassy said in a press statement received by, “The United States continues to provide a large amount of military equipment, weapons and ammunition to support the Iraqi security forces in expelling ISIS from Iraq,” explaining that, “The United States’ mission in Iraq is proud to partner with the Iraqi security forces, and praises the recent success achieved in the final Tikrit battle,” noting that, “ISIS defeat in Tikrit is a further evidence of the continuing trend of its military defeat in all parts of the country.”

“The United States will continue to stand by all Iraqis until ISIS is defeated,” he added.