Friday, September 27, 2024


Ramadi will remain ‘a subject of dispute’ between Iraqi security forces and ISIS, says Pentagon

 Ramadi will remain ‘a subject of dispute’ between Iraqi security forces and ISIS, says Pentagon

Pentagon spokesman ,Colonel Steve Warren.

Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren
Pentagon spokesman, Colonel Steve Warren.

( US Department of Defense ‘Pentagon’ said on Thursday that the city of Ramadi in Anbar will remain “a subject of dispute” between the Iraqi security forces and the ISIS group, which considered the operation to liberate Tikrit a successful example of cooperation between the US and Iraq.

Pentagon spokesman, Col. Steve Warren said in press statements, “The international coalition led by the US has intensified its air strikes on ISIS sites in the region in the recent period of time,” expecting that, “Ramadi will remain a subject of dispute between the Iraqi forces stationed in the city and ISIS elements.”

Warren praised the cooperation between the international coalition and the Iraqi forces on the ground, while noted that the operation of Tikrit is a successful example of US-Iraqi military cooperation.

Concerning the next battle to regain Mosul from ISIS grip, Warren said, “The operation will begin when the forces are ready,” asserting that, “The parties involved will keep the date of Mosul’s battle confidential.”