Saturday, September 21, 2024


Wave of blasts in Babel leaves 4 dead, 65 wounded

BABEL / A series of bombings that struck different parts of Babel province on Thursday has left four civilians dead and 65 others wounded, according to a local police source. “This afternoon, two civilians were killed and nine others were injured when a sticky explosive device went off on a bus north of Hilla City,” the source told Iraqi News. “Two other explosive charges exploded in a popular market in al-Mahaweel district (16 km north of Hilla), killing two civilians and wounding 15 others,” the source noted. “In two simultaneous blasts, two other devices detonated in al-Maseeb district (45 km north of Hilla), wounding 41 persons,” the source added. Casualties are likely to increase, the source noted. Hilla, the capital city of Babel province, lies 100 km south of Baghdad. SS (P) 1