Friday, September 27, 2024


Iraqi forces repel ISIS attack on Abu Faraj, Ramadi

 Iraqi forces repel ISIS attack on Abu Faraj, Ramadi

Iraqi security forces. Archival photo.

Iraqi security forces .Archival photo.
Iraqi security forces. Archival photo.

( Ramadi – On Monday, one of the main fighters of Abu Thyab tribe in the city of Ramadi revealed, that the security forces backed by tribal fighters were able to repel an ISIS attack on the city, adding that the organization suffered heavy losses in lives and equipment.

Dawood al-Dulaimi said in an interview for, “The security forces supported by Abu Thyab fighters managed today to repel ISIS attack on Abu Faraj area.”

Al-Dulaimi added, “Violent clashes erupted between the two sides using medium and heavy weapons; the enemy has suffered a heavy loss in lives and equipment.”