Friday, September 20, 2024


Video: Australia concerned about doctor in ISIS recruitment video

 Video: Australia concerned about doctor in ISIS recruitment video

A screenshot of an Australian doctor calling himself Abu Yusuf taken from the Isis video

A screenshot of an Australian doctor calling himself Abu Yusuf taken from the Isis video
A screenshot of an Australian doctor calling himself Abu Yusuf taken from the Isis video

( On Monday, the Australian government expressed its deep concern about an Australian doctor appearing in an ISIS recruitment video as seen below.

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said in an interview quoted by France News Agency and followed by “A recruitment video aired by ISIS showed a doctor who calls himself Abu Yusuf,” explaining that, “Abu Yusuf said in the video that he had traveled to the city of Raqqa in Syria to use his medical skills in helping ISIS elements.”

Bishop added, “The real name of this person is Tariq Kamala and he was a trainee doctor in the Australian city of Adelaide who fled the country,” stating that “Individuals with medical professions joining terrorist organization has become a worrying phenomenon.”

Full Video:

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Video Screenshots:

The Australian doctor, who calls himself Abu Yusuf, says he travelled from his home country to join IS and is using his medical skills "as part of my jihad for Islam". Picture: YouTube
The Australian doctor, who calls himself Abu Yusuf, says he traveled from his home country to join IS and is using his medical skills “as part of my jihad for Islam”. Picture: YouTube
The Australian doctor Abu Yusuf or Tareq Kamleh is part of the slick video which cynically aims to appeal to “normal, rational” Australians, according to a terrorism expert. Picture: YouTube
The Australian doctor Abu Yusuf or Tareq Kamleh is part of the slick video which cynically aims to appeal to “normal, rational” Australians, according to a terrorism expert. Picture: YouTube