Tuesday, September 24, 2024


25 thousand people have fled Ramadi, necessary funds began to run out, says UN

 25 thousand people have fled Ramadi, necessary funds began to run out, says UN

Iraqi families are fleeing from Ramadi

Iraqi families are fleeing from Ramadi
Iraqi families are fleeing from Ramadi

(IraqiNews.com) Baghdad – The United Nations announced on Tuesday that about 25 thousand people have fled the city of Ramadi in Anbar province after ISIS attacked the city, while warned of running out of the necessary funds for aid operations in Iraq.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Iraq said in a statement followed by Iraqinews.com, “about 25 thousand people have fled the Iraqi city of Ramadi after ISIS elements had attacked it,” adding that, “most of them headed towards Baghdad.”

“The International Organization and other aid agencies began to distribute food, water, medical supplies and set up of camps for them,” adding that, “the funds needed for aid operations in Iraq began to run out and that the aid stocks have virtually dried up,” the statement added.