Friday, September 27, 2024


6000 components of Iraqi forces collapsed in front of 150 ISIS in Ramadi

 6000 components of Iraqi forces collapsed in front of 150 ISIS in Ramadi

The former adviser to U.S. Central Command, Ali al-Khedery

The former adviser to U.S. Central Command, Ali al-Khedery
The former adviser to U.S. Central Command, Ali al-Khedery

( The former adviser to U.S. Central Command, Ali al-Khedery announced that he has information indicating to the collapse of six thousand elements of the Iraqi forces in front of 150 ISIS fighters in Ramadi, Anbar province.

Al-Khedery said in an interview with the “CNN”,” a Kurdish official has informed me on a statistical indicating to the collapse of six thousand elements of the Iraqi police in front of 150 members of the ISIS organization .Ten car bombs have been used and a large quantity of weapons were seized, this is a tremendous setback. ”

He continued, “We met with several Iraqi officials during the last few days and what I heard is terrifying; they expressed their concern and fear of bad things.”

He added that “The evolution in Ramadi represents a major setback for Iraq and the international community; it appears that the strategy does not work, in other words, there is no military solution to this problem.” Al-Khedery added.