Friday, September 20, 2024


470 bodies of ISIS massacre victims exhumed from mass graves in Tikrit

 470 bodies of ISIS massacre victims exhumed from mass graves in Tikrit

Iraqi authorities exhume a mass grave in Tikrit.

 Iraq exhumes 470 bodies from Speicher mass graves in Tikrit
Iraq exhumes 470 bodies from Speicher mass graves in Tikrit

( Baghdad – The Iraqi Minister of Health announced on Thursday that the remains of 470 security force recruits who massacred by ISIS were exhumed from mass graves near the outskirts of Tikrit.

Iraqi Minister of Health Adila Hammoud said in a press conference in Baghdad that: “We have exhumed 470 bodies of the martyrs from Speicher Camp where nearly 1,700 recruits were abducted in the first days of ISIS’ attack on the north of Iraq in June 2014.

The Iraqi authorities have begun, searching the area in search of mass graves after it regained control of Tikrit on March 31.

In this context, Ziad Ali Abbas, Chief Medical of the main morgue in Baghdad said, in the same conference: “We have exhumed the remains from four locations. One of them was bigger than the rest and there were 400 bodies.”

The bodies have been previewed with the help of foreign experts, including experts from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).