Friday, September 20, 2024


No prisons in Salah al-Din – source

BAGHDAD / The Justice Ministry has no prisons in the province of Salah al-Din, according to a source from the Iraqi Reformatory Department on Saturday, noting the prison that witnessed the flight of 16 inmates on Tuesday belongs to the Interior Ministry. “The department’s 29 prisons are spread all over the Iraqi provinces including those of the Iraqi Kurdistan region. They include three prisons for women in the provinces of Baghdad , Thi-Qar, and al-Muthanna, but the department has no prisons in Salah al-Din,” the source told Iraqi News. Sixteen prisoners who belong to the Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) network, including five condemned to death, had escaped from an anti-terror department facility in central Tikrit on Tuesday (Sept. 22). The Iraqi police later on that day announced they have arrested one of the fugitives in the eastern part of the city. On Friday (Sept. 25), the police said two more runaway prisoners were captured in a cemetery in Tikrit, and two more in the city of Samarra and al-Dor district. MH/AmR/SR 1