Monday, September 23, 2024


Former US soldier returns to Iraq, volunteers to fight against ISIS

 Former US soldier returns to Iraq, volunteers to fight against ISIS

The US soldier Ryan O’Leary

The US soldier Ryan O'Leary
The US soldier Ryan O’Leary

( Baghdad – On Wednesday, an American newspaper reported the return of a former US soldier to Iraq to volunteer in fighting ISIS in north of Iraq.

The newspaper “USA Today” quoted the US soldier Ryan O’Leary as saying, “I came to Iraq to fight alongside the Peshmerga in fighting ISIS,” explaining that, “Fighting is better than sitting on the couch and watching news channels where Christians and Muslims have been killed for no reason.”

“I see dozen of veterans, mostly American and British,” pointing out that, “The Peshmerga forces use mainly foreigners as trainers and not as soldiers,” Ryan O’Leary added.