Saturday, September 28, 2024


Officers who withdrew from battlefields deserve to be executed, says Maliki

 Officers who withdrew from battlefields deserve to be executed, says Maliki

Deputy President of the Republic Nuri al-Maliki

Deputy President of the Republic Nuri al-Maliki
Deputy President of the Republic Nuri al-Maliki


( Baghdad – Deputy President of the Republic Nuri al-Maliki announced on Saturday, that the the officers, who withdrew from the battlefield, should be executed according to the military law.

Maliki said in press statement followed by, ”Mosul and Ramadi have fallen by a conspiracy.”

Maliki expressed his hope “to investigate what happened because it was not a military defeat,” stressing that “we must take all the measures to put an end to prevent the recurrence of such incidents.”

Maliki added, “The officers and soldiers, who withdrew from the battlefield bear the responsibility and their sentence in law and military courts is death penalty.”