Tuesday, September 24, 2024


22 dead, wounded in car bomb explosion east of Baquba

 22 dead, wounded in car bomb explosion east of Baquba

Car explosion. Archival photo.

Car explosion. Archival photo.
Car explosion. Archival photo.

(IraqiNews.com) Diyala – A local source in Diyala province announced on Wednesday that 22 people had been killed and wounded in the outcome of the explosion of a car bomb east of Baquba.

The source said in an interview for IraqiNews.com, “A car bomb that was parked near the houses in the village of Haitham Aliwi on the outskirts of Neda area (55 km east of Baquba) exploded late last night, killing eight people and wounding 14 others, including women and children. ”

The source, who asked not to remain anonymous, added: “The bombing occurred near the house of a leader of Neda tribe”, adding that, “the security force cordoned off the scene and transported the wounded to a nearby hospital to receive treatment and the bodies of the dead to the forensic medicine department.”

It is noteworthy that some areas of Diyala suffer from violence from time to time as a result of the presence of sleeper cells linked to armed groups.