Sunday, September 22, 2024


ISIS recruit elements from over 100 countries, says Badr Organization

 ISIS recruit elements from over 100 countries, says Badr Organization

Secretary General of Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri

Secretary General of Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri
Secretary General of Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri

( Baghdad – The secretary general of Badr Organization Hadi al-Amiri warned on Saturday, that the risk of ISIS still exist and there are more than 100 countries where ISIS recruit its elements, while asked the international coalition for preventing the flow of suicide bombers and feeding Takfiri thoughts and stop oil smuggling as it has become a financial resource for ISIS.

Ameri said in his speech during a ceremony held by Badr Organization in the center of Baghdad attended by, “The danger is still there, indicating that there are more 100 countries where ISIS its elements. ”

Al-Amiri called on the Arab states to “stand with Iraq, Syria and assume their responsibilities to fight terrorism, explaining that “what happened in Kuwait, Tunisia and France is an alarm.”