Friday, September 20, 2024


New Diala sahwa councils chief picked

DIALA / The Diala Sahwa (Awakening) Councils chose a new chief to undertake the task of coordination with Iraqi forces and facing security challenges in the province, the official spokesman for the councils said on Thursday. “Diala’s sahwa councils of tribal fighters have unanimously elected Hossam Elewi al-Majmaie as their chief to coordinate efforts with the Iraqi security forces particularly after the waves of violence have grown in recent months,” Khaled al-Lehebi told Iraqi News. He said the main objectives of the sahwa councils in Diala are to back the Fardh al-Qanoon (law imposing) plan and eliminate armed groups, namely the Al-Qaeda in Iraq network and the so-called Islamic State of Iraq, so as to activate the power of the law. The restive province of Diala lies 57 km northeast of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (P) 1