Saturday, September 28, 2024


3,000 coalition-trained Iraqi soldiers join Ramadi operation, says U.S. official

 3,000 coalition-trained Iraqi soldiers join Ramadi operation, says U.S. official

Iraqi army forces. File photo.

Archival photo.
Archival photo.

( Around 3,000 newly coalition-trained Iraqi troops have been deployed to help in the campaign to retake the ISIS-held city of Ramadi, a U.S. military official said on Thursday.

The Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren told reporters during his visit with Ashton Carter to Iraq to meet with the Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi, that around 3,000 coalition-trained Iraqi army soldiers have joined the military operation to retake Ramadi in recent days.

“It is Iraqi forces that are fighting on the ground and liberating remaining territory,” said Warren.