Monday, September 23, 2024


Iraqi Air Force and coalition warplanes carry out joint airstrikes on ISIS in Anbar

 Iraqi Air Force and coalition warplanes carry out joint airstrikes on ISIS in Anbar

Archival photo.

Archival photo.
Archival photo.

( al-Anbar – A security source in Anbar province said on Thursday, that the Iraqi Army Aviation and the international coalition targeted gatherings for ISIS in three cities in Anbar, noting that the organization suffered heavy material and human losses.

The source, who requested to remain anonymous, stated for, “The Iraqi Army Aviation and the international coalition bombed gatherings for the ISIS militants in Ramadi, Fallujah and al-Karma, killing and wounding dozens of ISIS elements,” noting that, “The aerial bombing came after the receipt of accurate intelligence about the militants’ sites in those areas.”