Saturday, September 28, 2024


Coalition warplanes kill 43 ISIS militants in al-Ratba City in western Anbar

 Coalition warplanes kill 43 ISIS militants in al-Ratba City in western Anbar

Danish F-16 during an air strike against ISIS sites in Iraq. Archival photo.

Danish F-16 during an air strike against ISIS sites in Iraq. Archival photo.
Danish F-16 during an air strike against ISIS sites in Iraq. Archival photo.

( Anbar – The commander of the army’s seventh division in Anbar province, Maj. Gen. Nauman Abdul-Zobaie, announced on Friday the killing of 43 element of “ISIS” by an aerial bombardment that targeted the headquarters of the organization in western Anbar.

Abdul-Zobaie stated in an interview for, “Warplanes belonging to the international coalition had bombed two headquarters for the ISIS organization, including a training center and a booby-trapping workshop in the city of al-Ratba (310 km west of Ramadi),” pointing out that, “The aerial bombing resulted in killing 43 elements of the organization.”

“The operation was based on accurate intelligence received by the coalition forces,” he added.