Friday, September 20, 2024


Body found in Mosul

NINEWA / The police found the body of a civilian man while another was shot dead by gunmen in different incidents in the city of Mosul on Thursday, a Ninewa police source said. “The body, which showed signs of having been shot in the head and chest, was found dumped in the area of Bab Lakash in central Mosul,” the source told Iraqi News. “Another civilian was shot down by gunmen on the main street in central al-Islah al-Ziraie neighborhood, western Mosul, while other gunmen raided a garments store in al-Muthanna neighborhood, eastern Mosul, and opened fire at the owner, leaving him wounded,” the source added. Mosul, the capital city of the volatile province of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P) 1