Wednesday, September 25, 2024


ISIS abducts 12 Egyptians in Libya, including Copts

 ISIS abducts 12 Egyptians in Libya, including Copts

ISIS childen elements file photo.

ISIS elements file photo.
ISIS elements file photo.

( Baghdad – According to news from Libya, ISIS has kidnapped 12 Egyptians in the Libyan city of Sirte, while trying to return to their country.

The Italian news agency “ANSA” said, “There is news about the abduction of 12 Egyptians by ISIS elements in the Libyan city of Sirte.”

The agency added that Egyptian Copts are among the kidnapped.

The agency quoted Libyan media sources as saying that, “the organization kidnapped 12 Egyptian workers, before leaving Libyan territory on their way to Egypt.”

For its part, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry has not issued any statement related to this matter.