Friday, September 20, 2024


PHOTOS: ISIS beheads 7 elements of Peshmerga forces

 PHOTOS: ISIS beheads 7 elements of Peshmerga forces

Archival photo.

Screenshots from the execution operation
Screenshots from the execution operation

( Erbil – The so-called ISIS published on Thursday a video clip for the beheading of seven prisoners belonging to the Peshmerga forces that were detained by the organization.

The broadcast, which was attributed to the so-called state of Nineveh showed snapshots of the execution of seven prisoners of the Peshmerga forces held by the organization.

The video shows a person speaks Kurdish language threatening Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani and the parties that support him.

The publication of the video comes after Peshmerga forces have controlled large areas of the province of Kirkuk.

