Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Over 200 arrested under Mosul’s fresh security operations

NINEWA / More than 200 persons have been arrested under a series of fresh security operations in Mosul city, the head of the security and defense committee in Ninewa’s provincial council said on Monday. “Those arrested include officers, traders, contractors, university professors and notables without a criminal record,” Abdulraheem al-Shamri told Iraqi News. Shamri said that the provincial council, the local government and the governor were kept in the dark about the operations. During a press conference on Saturday (Oct. 3), the chief of the Ninewa Operations Command (NOC), Maj. General Hassan Kareem Khudeir, said that new security operations codenamed Ninewa Wall had been launched in the city of Mosul and its environs. The NOC embarked on Operation Ninewa Wall on Thursday (Oct. 1) as part of the third Umm al-Rabiain security plan that targeted all remnants of terrorist groups in and outside Mosul, the commander noted. Mosul, the capital city of the volatile province of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. SS (P) 1