Friday, September 20, 2024


Al-Maliki asserts Iraq’s keenness to boost ties with Syria

BAGHDAD / Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Tuesday met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus , during which he asserted Iraq ’s keenness to boost ties with Syria . “The two officials discussed bilateral cooperation between Syria and Iraq and the importance of bolstering it in all fields, particularly in politics, economy and security and everything that secures the interests of the two countries and their peoples and preserve th e region’s stability in general,” according to Syrian news agency. Talks dealt with the agreements signed between Syria and Iraq and the importance of implementing suitable mechanism to guarantee their execution, in addition to discussing means for building relations and a comprehensive strategic cooperation between the two countries. They also discussed the latest developments in the regional arena, stressing the need for intensifying dialogue, consultation and coordination between the two countries. Nouri al-Mal i ki expressed hope that his visit to Syria will help boost cooperation between the two countries in service of their mutual interests, voicing his appreciation of Syria ‘s positive role in supporting stability in Iraq . President al-Assad reiterated Syria ‘s support of Iraq in all matters that help bolster its security and stability and preserve its integrity of land and people, affirming that Syria also supports the efforts of the national reconciliation governments for ensuring the success of the political process. The meeting was attended by Minister of Oil Dr. Hussein al-Shahristani, Minister of Water Resources Dr. Abdel-Latif Jamal Rashid, Acting Minister of Trade Dr. Safaeldin Safi, State Minister for National Security Affairs Sherwan al-Waeli, Iraqi Government Spokesman Dr. Ali al-Dabbagh, Media Advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister Yassin Majid, and the Iraqi Ambassador in Damascus . Later, President al-Assad held a luncheon in honor of Premier al-Mal i ki attended by members of the official delegations. SH (S)/SR 1