Friday, September 20, 2024


U.S releases 11 detainees in Kirkuk

KIRKUK, Sept.19 (Iraqi News) Kirkuk police on Friday received eleven detainees from the northern province residents, a Police chief said. “Coalition forces released eleven detainees from Bucca camp and handed them over to Kirkuk Serious Crimes Department,”Brig.Sarhad Qadir, police chief for Districts and Suburbs, told of Iraq (Iraqi News). “Police would investigate the released detainees to check whether they are implicated in any other cases”. Earlier, Maj.Gen Douglas Stone, chief of U.S. detentions centres in Iraq, about 23 thousands detainees jailed in U.S-run prisons, including 240 Arab countries nationals and 500 teenagers. Kirkuk, the capital city of a multi-ethnic province of Kirkuk, lies 250 km north-east Baghdad AM(P) 1