Friday, September 20, 2024


9 killed, 9 wounded in Iraq violence

BAGHDAD, Sept. 20 (Iraqi News) – Nine people were killed and nine others wounded in acts of violence in different areas of Iraq during the past 24 hours, according to security sources. In Baghdad, a journalists’ syndicate source said an improvised explosive device planted by unidentified persons at the syndicate entrance in al-Waziriya, northern Baghdad, went off as the syndicate board was in session, adding the attack left a number of civilians, including chairman Mouayad al-Lami, wounded. In Mosul, 405 km north of Baghdad, a spokesman for the Ninewa Operations Command (NOC), Brig. Khaled Abdelsattar, had said on Friday that a police force found two unidentified bodies at al-Kifah neighborhood, Talafar district, west of Mosul. Also in Ninewa, a police source said two policemen were killed when unidentified gunmen attacked a checkpoint in the central Mosul area of al-Faruq. In eastern Mosul city, an Iraqi army source said an armed group attacked al-Karama checkpoint. The personnel fired back and the clashes left one soldier wounded. In Mosul, another Iraqi army source said that an IED went off during a late hour of Friday night near a Turkish truck to carry benzene at al-Arabi neighborhood, northern Mosul, wounding the driver and setting his truck ablaze. In Diala, 57 km northeast of Baghdad, an official security source said that two Iraqi army officers, one of them in the rank of lt. colonel, were killed on Friday when an IED blew up a military vehicle in Imam Mansour village, Baladruz district, east of Baaquba. “One civilian was killed and six others wounded on Friday evening when three Katyusha missiles landed in a fuel station in central Baladruz,” the source said, declining to give more details. In Basra, southern Iraq, the province’s police media office said that unidentified gunmen shot down Sheikh Adeiy Ali Abbas al-Ajrash at a late hour of Friday evening after they stormed his house in al-Kindi area, northern Basra city. Sheikh Adeiy is the brother of Sheikh Muhammad, the tribal chief of al-Ajrash and al-Daghaghla, and is considered one of the most prominent faces in sheikhs committee of Shiite leader Muatada al-Basra. In Wassit, a medic said that the mortuary of al-Zahraa hospital in Kut city received on Friday an unidentified body. The body was found by policemen on the Kut-Baghdad highway near the district of al-Aziziya, he said, adding the body showed clear signs of having been tortured and shot in different areaas. AmR (I) 1