Friday, September 20, 2024


Security plot in Karbala for Shiite occasion

KARBALA, Sept. 20 (Iraqi News) – Media spokesperson for Karbala’s Operations Command on Saturday said that around 7,000 security elements were deployed in the holy city of Karbalaa, to conduct a security plan for the annual occasion of Imam Ali bin Abi-talib’s death on coming Monday. “7,000 elements of Iraqi army and police were deployed at all the city’s entries and exists,” Rahman Mashawi told – Voices of Iraq – (Iraqi News). “It is expected that thousands of Iraqis coming from different Iraqi provinces would celebrate this occasion in Karbala,” he said. “The plot also aims at securing highways that pilgrims will use to reach Karbala,” he added. The holy city of Karbala lies 110 km southwest of Baghdad. MH (P)/SR 1