Friday, September 20, 2024


1500 recruits admitted into Missan police

MISSAN / Some 1500 recruits from different areas of Missan were admitted on Sunday to the police departments in the province, according to the city’s police chief. “The accepted volunteers will be distributed among three newly-formed contingents in the province in accordance with a plan hatched during Operation Bashaer al-Salam (Promise of Peace) to increase the number of police recruits there,” Maj. General Saad Ali said. “A new mechanism of accepting recruits was observed in line with the controls and instructions issued by the interior ministry, which stressed that recruits must not have any political affiliations,” he said. Ali noted that the new recruits would receive basic training and human rights courses to upgrade their efficiency. The Interior Ministry had announced during Operation Bashaer al-Salam , launched on June 19, that three contingents would be added to already existing three emergency security divisions to enhance order and law all over the province of Missan. Missan is a Shiite province. Its capital city is al-Amara. Sitting on the Tigris River, Amara lies 390 km south of Baghdad. Missan, in the east of the country, bordering Iran, is home to many marsh Arabs. AmR (S)/SR 1