Friday, September 20, 2024


9 missiles ready for firing seized near Amara

MISSAN / Policemen in Missan seized nine missiles ready to be fired south of al-Amara city on Sunday, the province’s police chief said. “7 th emergency police contingent, recently formed, seized today nine missiles ready for launch in the area of Abu Ajal, Qalaat Saleh district, (45 km) south of Amara,” Maj. General Saad Ali told The rockets, he said, were to be fired in the direction of an Iraqi army post near the area. “They were defused and handed over to the bomb squad department in Missan,” he added. Since June 19, Missan is witnessing a security plan codenamed Bashaer al-Salam (Promise of Peace) the government said aimed to eliminate gunmen and outlaws and impose order and security all over the province. Missan is a Shiite province. Its capital city is al-Amara. Sitting on the Tigris River, Amara lies 390 km south of Baghdad. Missan, in the east of the country, bordering Iran, is home to many marsh Arabs. AmR (P)/SR 1