Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi-Lebanese deal to avoid dual taxation

BAGHDAD / The Iraqi minister of finance has agreed with his Lebanese counterpart to sign an agreement to avoid dual taxation between the two countries, an Iraqi ministerial source said on Tuesday. The agreement has been made on the sidelines of a meeting of the Arab ministers of finance with the president of the World Bank, his deputies and heads of the bank’s agencies in New York . “Today, Finance Minister Baqir Jabr al-Zubeidi and Arab ministers of finance participated in a New York-based meeting held by the president of the World Bank, Robert B. Zoellick,” the source told “The Iraqi and Lebanese ministers of finance agreed to set a date and place for the meeting, during which an agreement to avoid dual taxation, which has been finalized by financial experts from both countries, will be signed,” the source added. The source did not provide further details of the scheduled time and place. SS (P) 1