Sunday, September 22, 2024


U.S. army kills 2 Qaeda suspects, nabs 13 in central, northern Iraq

BAGHDAD / The U.S. army announced its forces killed two gunmen and arrested 13 al-Qaeda network suspects in central and northern Iraq. “Terrorists were killed and three suspects were detained Tuesday during an operation targeting a wanted man believed to have connections to area al-Qaeda network in Iraq (AQI) leadership and improvised explosive device operations,” said a U.S. army statement received by The announcement noted that intelligence reports suggest one of the detainees “is an explosives expert possibly involved in the movement of suicide bombers.” Elsewhere in Iraq, U.S. forces said they “captured a wanted man believed to have conspired with terrorists killed in an operation earlier this month. Five additional suspects were detained during the operations. “Forces captured a wanted man allegedly associated with the city’s AQI foreign terrorist and the weapons facilitation networks. Two other suspected terrorists were detained during the operation,” the announcement added AM (S)/SR 1