Friday, September 20, 2024


2 soldiers wounded in Mosul, but treated in Arbil

NINEWA / Two Iraqi soldiers were wounded when a roadside bomb went off in eastern Mosul, a military source from the city said on Wednesday, explaining that they were admitted to treatment in Arbil Hospital. “A roadside bomb detonated when a military convoy was passing through the Yunis al-Sabaawi area of al-Karama neighborhood, eastern Mosul,” the source told “Two soldiers were wounded in the attack,” he said. “An Iraqi Hammer military vehicle was devastated due to the explosion,” he added. “The two wounded soldiers were admitted to Arbil Hospital in Arbil, the capital city of the Kurdistan region, for treatment,” he noted, without explaining why the two injured soldiers were not admitted to any of Mosul city’s hospitals. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. MH (P)/SR 1