Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq, Iran agree to trace war missing: Red Cross

BAGHDAD/ Iran and Iraq have signed an agreement to trace missing persons from the war between the two countries in the 1980s, the International Committee of the Red Cross said Thursday.   “Baghdad and Tehran have agreed on how to gather and share information about the missing persons and hand over their remains,” said the International Commission of Red Cross (ICRC) in a statement received by   The neutral body said its experts will “help both countries jointly carry out the work”.   ICRC official Beatrice Megevand-Roggo said that “thousands of Iraqi and Iranian families are still waiting to learn what happened to their loved ones”.   There’s no generally accepted figure on the missing but estimates range into the low hundreds of thousands on both sides, many of them civilians..     About 1 million people died in the eight-year war that broke out the former regime of Saddam Hussein and Iran in 1980. AM(S 1