Friday, September 20, 2024


Names of persons involved in killing Sadrist MP to be announced soon

Iraq-Names BAGHDAD / The director of the Interior Ministry’s national command center said on Thursday that the Ministry will reveal the names of persons involved in the killing of Sadrist MP Saleh al-Ukeili in the coming days. “The wanted men who were arrested by Iraqi security forces confessed to their involvement in killing al-Ukeili and they are members of outlawed gangs,” General Abdul Karim Khalaf told “The Ministry will not announce the names until the gangs they belong to have been arrested,” he added. An explosive charge went off in al-Maared region in eastern Baghdad last Thursday targeting the MP who died in the same day at the hospital of wounds. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ordered to form an investigation committee on the incident. The Sadrist bloc, which holds 30 seats out of the 275-seat parliament, held the U.S. forces responsible for the killing of al-Ukeili. SH (P)/SR 1