Sunday, September 22, 2024


MP calls for amendments on military officer pension law

BAGHDAD/ A lawmaker from the main Sunni bloc on Sunday said the service and pension law for military personnel must be amended before referring to the parliament. “The service and pension law for military personnel did not ensure the rights of all of the military, it guaranteed the financial part and ignored other aspects related to officers,” said MP Saleem al-Juburi from the Iraqi Accordance Front (IAF) in a statement published in the Iraqi Islamic Party(IIP). The IIP is a part of the main Sunni Accordance Front, which holds 38 out of the parliament’s total 275 seats. “The law distinguished between the rights of officers prior to and after 2003, it gave rights only to officers after April 2003, which violated the constitution,” al-Juburi noted. The lawmaker pointed out the parliament’s legal committee has received a petition signed by 40 officers calling for the presidency board to “amend the service and pension law for military personnel”. AM(S) 1