Sunday, September 22, 2024


Northern part of Baghdad’s al-Rasheed street opened

BAGHDAD / The Baghdad local secretariat said on Monday it opened the northern part of al-Rasheed street in central Baghdad in coordination with the Baghdad Operations Command (BOC) as part of a plan to open several main streets to help ease traffic congestions in the capital. “The al-Rasafa municipal council, in association with the BOC, opened the northern part of the street that extends from the Iraqi Soldier square, passing by al-Rasafi square, to end at al-Shohadaa (Martyrs) Bridge,” according to a secretariat statement as received by “The step would help restore normal life to the old commercial hub and ease traffic congestions in this area,” it added. The statement quoted BOC Commander, General Abboud Qonbor, as saying that the al-Rasheed opening comes as part of a plan to open 81 main streets in the Iraqi capital, adding eleven were opened so far. AmR (P) 1