Friday, September 20, 2024


Gunman captured in clashes in Mosul

NINEWA / Iraqi army forces captured on Tuesday a gunman after he was injured in clashes in eastern Mosul, an army source said. “Armed clashes erupted on Tuesday between gunmen and army soldiers in al-Siddiq neighborhood, eastern Mosul. The clashes resulted in the injury and arrest of a gunman, who turned out to be an amir (leader) of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq group,” the source told The Islamic State of Iraq, announced in October 2006, is composed of seven armed organizations, most prominent of which is al-Qaeda Fi Bilad al-Rafidain (literally al-Qaeda in the country of the two rivers), or al-Qaeda in Iraq. The group, led by a man of the name Abu Omar al-Boghdadi, is active in central and western Iraq provinces. “The gunman was taken to the Mosul Hospital under Iraqi army guard,” the source added. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P) 1