Monday, September 23, 2024


VP stresses making amendments to Iraq’s constitution

Iraq-Suspects BAGHDAD/ Iraq’s Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi on Tuesday emphasized the importance of making constitutional amendments through forging political accordance between Iraqi factions. “Making constitutional amendment is a key to our political program,” VP al-Hashemi said. “We are looking forward to making these amendments through forging political accordance.” The Iraqi official statement came during a meeting with MP Humma Hamoudi, the chief of the parliament’s Constitution Drafting Commission. VP al-Hashemi is the chief of Iraqi Islamic Party (IIP), a major component of the Iraqi Accordance Front (IAF), the main Sunni bloc, which holds 38 out of the Parliament’s total 275 seats. For his side MP Humam Hamoudi said “there are a number of points agreed upon with the IIP, while others are still under discussion.” The Iraqi Parliament has added an item which allows amendments to the constitution which saw heated debate over some controversial issues. AM (S)/SR 1