Friday, September 20, 2024


Barzani says we will never allow any action against Iran from Iraq

BAGHDAD / President of Iraq’s Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani in a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki in Tehran on Wednesday said, “We will never allow any action to take place against Iran from Iraq territory.” Iranian news agency IRNA quoted Barzani as referring to the good relations between the two countries and said Iran has always been with Iraqi people. In another part of his remarks, Barzani underlined that Kurds leaders want a unified Iraq. Mottaki, by referring to the religious, historical commonalities and good potentials between the two countries, called for developing ties in all fields. Establishment of high commission for joint cooperation between the two countries under the joint presidency of Iraqi prime minister and Iran’s first vice-president and holding several meetings and taking important economic, social and security decisions is an indication of serious intention in expansion of relations. “Signing several Memoranda of Understanding in different sections of transportation, roads, trade, energy, information technology and sanitation affairs in all districts of Iraq including Kurdistan and creating a new passing border post for trade exchange are among potentials of the two countries,” Mottaki said. He declared the trade exchange volume 3 billion dollars and added the two countries have the capacity to increase the level.   SH (S)/SR 1