Friday, September 20, 2024


Iranian official criticises U.S. use of forbidden weapons against Iraqis in 1991

BAGHDAD/ A former Iranian president on Friday expressed his astonishment on media blackout to using forbidden weapons by the U.S. army forces against Iraqi civilians in 1991. “The news of using a U.S. bomb was covered up even when an Italian TV shot pieces of its footage,” Hashemi Rafsanjani, chief of Iran’s State Expediency Council, told worshippers in Tehran. “Using the bomb by the U.S. against Iraqis caused a number of various cancer cases,” he noted. “It was pointless using such weapons by the U.S. against defunct government ”,the Iranian official exclaimed. The U.S. led an international coalition to drive the former regime of Saddam from Kuwait in 1991. Saddam’s regime invaded Kuwait in August 1991 after rows with the Gulf country over debts and disputed border oilfields AM(S) 1