Friday, September 20, 2024


Odierno vows to work with Iraq, Turkey against PKK

BAGHDAD / Top U.S. Commander in Iraq Gen. Ray Odierno has pledged to work with the Iraqi and Turkish governments to halt any attacks by the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) against Turkey. “General Ray Odierno, met today with Turkish General Hasan Igsiz, the deputy chief of the Turkish General Staff, to discuss U.S. – Turkey military cooperation. The meeting centered on U.S. forces’ on-going assistance to Turkey in its effort to defeat the Kurdish rebel group known as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK,” according to a U.S. army statement received by “Based in the mountainous region of northern Iraq near the Turkish border, the PKK has staged occasional attacks into Turkey over the past decade and is recognized as a terrorist organization by the U.S. In the past month, a spate of PKK attacks has killed dozens of Turkish soldiers and civilians, sparking public outcry and pledges from Turkish leaders to deal with the group.” “Today, General Odierno fully committed to work with both the Turkish and Iraqi governments in the common fight against terrorism,” the statement noted. “‘The PKK is a terrorist organization and has committed heinous crimes against the Turkish people,’ said Odierno. ‘I’m committed to work with the Government of Turkey and the Government of Iraq to prevent further atrocities’.” “Odierno pledged U.S. support in the form of technical assistance and information-sharing to help its allies prevent further attacks in the near future.” “‘There are things we can do now, in the short-term, to help protect the lives of innocent people, and we’re committed to supporting our Turkish and Iraqi partners in this effort’,” the statement quoted Odierno as saying. SS (S) 1