Friday, September 20, 2024


Police find weapons in central Amara

Police-Weapons MISSAN / Police forces on Tuesday found weapons and an amount of ammunitions in central Amara, Missan police chief said. “The forces found three machine guns, two Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 30 mortar shells and 15 hand grenades as well as an amount of ammunitions,” Colonel Kazem Neimaa told Since June 19, Missan has been witnessing a security plan codenamed Bashaer al-Salam (Promise of Peace) the government said aimed to eliminate gunmen and outlaws and impose order and security all over the province. Missan is a Shiite province. Its capital city is al-Amara. Sitting on the Tigris River, Amara lies 390 km south of Baghdad. Missan, in the east of the country, bordering Iran, is home to many marsh Arabs. SH (P)/SR 1