Friday, September 20, 2024


Senior al-Qaeda member killed in U.S. raid in Syria, officials say

Iraq-U BAGHDAD / U.S. commandos crossing into Syria in an unprecedented raid this weekend killed a senior al-Qaeda associate accused of funneling fighters, weapons and cash to the insurgency in Iraq, U.S. officials familiar with the operation said. Abu Ghadiyah, the chief of a Syrian smuggling network who was killed in the controversial operation Sunday, was “one of the most prominent, if not the most prominent, facilitators of foreign fighters going into Iraq for Al Qaeda,” Los Angeles Times quoted a senior U.S. official as saying on Tuesday. Last month, U.S. special operations forces carried out a similar raid in the tribal border region of Pakistan, drawing loud criticism from the Pakistani public and senior government officials in Islamabad, the capital. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem said the U.S. committed “criminal and terrorist aggression” by conducting a raid in which seven civilians died, including three children, a woman and a fisherman. Two U.S. helicopters flew about five miles into Syria, he said, with one landing at a farm while the second provided cover. U.S. officials did not say how many people died in the raid. Abu Ghadiyah, an Iraqi native believed to be in his late 20s, has for several years been a key figure in the flow of foreign fighters and weapons into Iraq, American officials said. “He comes from a family of smugglers,” said the senior U.S. official. “He seems to have turned the family business toward the movement of terrorists, explosives, weapons, etc., into Iraq.” That official, along with others, spoke on condition of anonymity because of the classified nature of the operation. Other than reporting Abu Ghadiyah’s death, U.S. officials offered few details about the raid. Pentagon officials declined to comment. The rationale for using commandos was unclear. Since the attacks on America in 2001, the United States has carried out dozens of missile strikes, mostly in Pakistan, but also in Yemen and elsewhere, aimed at killing Al Qaeda operatives. However, almost all of those operations have relied on CIA-operated Predator drones firing Hellfire antitank missiles. The use of U.S. soldiers carries significantly greater risk and often leads to diplomatic strain, as has been the case with Pakistan. U.S. counter-terrorism experts described Abu Ghadiyah, who is from Anbar province in western Iraq, as the head of a successful terrorist financial network supporting Iraq’s Sunni Arab-led insurgency and a close associate of Al Qaeda in Iraq leaders. “He’s the classic example of a terrorist facilitator and financier,” said Matthew Levitt, who from 2005 to early 2007 helped oversee a U.S. government crackdown on Abu Ghadiyah’s financial network while deputy assistant secretary for intelligence and analysis at the Treasury Department. SH (I)/SR 1