Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Iraqi soldier hit by U.S. vehicle in Diwaniya dies

DIWANIYA / IraqiNews.com: The Iraqi soldier who was hit by a U.S. military vehicle yesterday died today, according to a military source from Diwaniya province. “The soldier died at the U.S. army military hospital in Balad,” the source told IraqiNews.com. Yesterday, the deputy commander of the Iraqi army 8th division said that a steel column that was linked to a U.S. military vehicle hit an Iraqi soldier, wounding him seriously, denying reports that the soldier was injured by random U.S. fire. But earlier, a source told IraqiNews.com that a soldier from the Iraqi Army’s 8th Division was wounded in the head when a U.S. patrol vehicle randomly opened fire upon its arrival at a security checkpoint (5 km south of Diwaniya city). Diwaniya city lies 180 km south of Baghdad. MH (P)/SR 1